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时间:2017-04-08 15:40来源:教育网 作者:好学网 点击:
中考英语学习网: 【2016河师大附中决战四模】( ) 18. There are apples in the fridge, are there A. little B few C. a lit tle D. a few 【2016河师大附中决战四模】( ) 19. Ive got several novels written by Mo Yan.You can borrow if you like. A. on

      【**16河师大附中决战四模】( ) 18. There are apples in the fridge, are there
A. little B few C. a lit
tle D. a few
【**16河师大附中决战四模】( ) **. I’ve got several novels written by Mo Yan.You can borrow if you like.
A. one B. this C. none D. it[中国教育&%出@版网*#]
【**16河师大附中决战四模】( ) **. -Let's see a film this weekend. When are you free, Saturday or Sunday?
- day is OK. I have much free time.[来源&#%:中^*教网]
A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Any
【**16河师大附中决战一模】( )6. September is of a year, you know.
A. nineth month B. the ninth month[来~^#源:中国教育出版&%网]
C. ninth month D. the nineth month[www.z%[w@ww.&zz~s*t#ep.com]
【**16河师大附中决战一模】( )13. --There are apples left in my basket. Could
you buy more for me?
--With pleasure.
A. a little B. little C. a few D. few


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