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时间:2014-12-23 10:59来源:教育网 作者:好学网 点击:
The giant panda is a docile animal with unique black and white fur. Because of their small number, giant pandas have been listed as an endangered species. The giant pandas are of special significance

The giant panda is a docile animal with unique black and white fur. Because of their small number, giant pandas have been listed as an endangered species. The giant pandas are of special significance for WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Since the establishment in **61, the fund has been using the giant panda as its logo. The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family. They mainly live in the forests of southwestern China. Currently, there are about 1,000 giant pandas in the world. The bamboo-eating animals are facing many threats. Therefore, to ensure the survival of the giant panda is more important than ever.



More and more Chinese young people are becoming interested in travelling, which is a new trend in recent years. The increasing number of young tourists can be attributed to the rapid rise of their income and curiosity for exploring the outside world. With more travel, young people spend less time in big cities and famous sights. Instead, they are attracted to more remote places. Some people even choose a long backpacking trip. A recent survey shows that many young people want to experience a different culture, enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons through travelling.


The Chinese Internet Community experienced the fastest development. By **10, there had been 4** million netizens in China and this number is still rising rapidly. The popularization of Internet has brought about huge changes. Generally speaking, American netizens are more often than not driven by real necessities such as sending emails, on-line trading, doing research, travel planning and on-line payment. While, Chinese netizens use Internet out of the need for social communication. Therefore, they log more generally onto web forums, blogs and chatting rooms.


36. N. survey

37. O. traces

38. I. products

39. K. released

40. J. ranging

41. M. simple

42. H. necessarily

43. L. shocked

44. C. belong

45. B. average


本次选词填空是一篇关于日常生活化学污染的文章。文章内容虽然略带科普性,但实际上与大家的日常生活息息相关,如果用生活常识和中文的背景知识来答题也能帮助不少。同时,从词汇考查角度看,仍然与往年相同,副词考查最少,名词和动词重点考查,所以与沪江英语教研君在平时向大家提倡的一样,建议对选项和目标词进行词性的标注和预判,进而再根据语法规则及上下文逻辑确定最终答案。另外,本次考题再次证明了难词往往不是答案,例如D. demonstrated,G. habitually都并未出现在答案中。

56 B) Whether local bike shops will suffer.

57 C) It saw its bike sales on the rise.

58 B) Its customers have been drawn away by Citi Banks.

59 A) Inexperienced riders might break biking rules.

60 D) Approving.

61. C) Little improvement in education has resulted from increased spending.

62. B) Skilled students are moving to private schools.

63. C) Talented women teachers.

64. A) New career opportunities were made available to them by women’s liberation.

65. D) An ever-growing number of administrators.


46. E

47. I

48. D

49. O

50. K

51. B

52. E

53. C

54. L

55. G


本次长篇阅读匹配题是关于二战后生育高峰的人在美国大萧条时期遭遇下岗、被迫提前退休等困窘状况的原因、影响等。文章题材与前两年阅读常考话题一致,属于社会问题型。考查题目中仍然以80%为细节题,仅有46题和53题为主旨概括题,其他均为细节题。而细节题的好处是题干中的定位词和原文几乎完全一致,如:47题laid off在I段第一句一致;50题Age discrimination在K段特殊标点符号,引号中为“Discrimination by age,…”。因此,从细节题居多,题干关键词基本能与文章一一对应来看,本篇难度与往年持平。(责任编辑:haoxuee)

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